One of the biggest myths is that automatic gearboxes are not serviced and with that comes the problems afterwards!
The truth is that they are designed to last the warranty period without needing service and precisely because of this fact, it is often mentioned that they are not serviced at all but this is valid while the car is under warranty because if necessary this is done when visiting the dealership.
In fact, if we open the original manuals of some manufacturers such as VW/AUDI, BMW, etc. they recommend changing them every 60,000-100,000 km., depending on the way of driving!
Now, however, the big question again follows “Should I service my gears? Many people did it and not long after their boxes broke..”
!!! The truth is that if they are not serviced in the right way, with the right consumables and by people who know what they are doing, the boxes break – more precisely, their mechatronics breaks. !!!
For some types of gearboxes, servicing with a machine is PROHIBITED, for this reason, original equipment is used that contains information about the method and process of servicing the box!
!!! It is this marketing trick, “service with a machine”, combined with the misinformation about how these boxes should be serviced, that makes people service them and then regret it. !!!
When changing the oil with a machine, all the frictions separated during normal operation of the box are literally “crammed” into the mechatronic part of the box. In this way, either a problem is directly created, or a prerequisite for one is present. Very often, these frictions are not removed with the oil change, but remain inside the box! An extremely important step that, unfortunately, is missed!
Let's not forget the importance of consumables - the original oil for automatic boxes is created precisely for this purpose - it contains a silicone additive and strives to keep all the frictions at the bottom of the box! This way, the mechatronics remains as clean as possible and the chance of damage is minimized! In addition, the heat dissipation of the original oil is much more effective and under more extreme conditions the box remains in a favorable operating mode!
Our service combines original tools, procedures and consumables, with which we guarantee that your car will retain its value and reliability to the maximum!